
2016 Spay/Neuter Statistics

The numbers are in! In 2016, the Gateway Pet Guardians’ Spay/Neuter Program sterilized a total of 277 animals and helped 129 families. This number includes 150 community cats, 23 pet cats, and 104 dogs. In addition to the spay/neuter surgeries, the program vaccinated 326 pets and microchipped 52. We exceeded our goals for 2016, which were set for 100 cats and 100 dogs.

What’s next for 2017? We are eager to see what we can accomplish with the addition of our Spay/Neuter van! We obtained this van in July 2016, and it’s already made a huge impact on our ability to transport animals to and from their surgeries.

If you would like to help make a difference in the lives of community pets, we could use your help! Donate or fill out a volunteer application today.