
Last week we met Ms. L, a beautiful and compassionate woman who quickly became our friend. Her dog, Mollie, had a litter of puppies–four puppies in total! She cared for them for seven months, but they were getting too big and to be a handful. She wanted help finding loving homes for three of them, and wanted to fix Mollie and her son, Harry. We are currently working with our friends at Helping Strays to find three of them forever homes.

As she introduced the dogs to us, she took a giant step up her porch steps over a broken board, hanging onto the wobbly railing. She wrangled the dogs and carried them to a tie-out in her yard. The whole time, she talked to her dogs, loving on them and showering them with affection.

We signed Mollie and Harry up to receive spay/neuter services, but we wanted to do something extra special for Ms. L. She spends much of her time caring for her neighbors and friends. We wanted to take a moment to help her. A few of our volunteers came together to fix her steps, railing, and patch her fence so she can just let her dog out the back door to use the bathroom. Thank you Kris W., Tim S., and Kyle B. for your amazing handiwork, despite the rain! Volunteers also came together to get her a care package. Thank you Laura M., A.J. D., LaShonda J., Angie S., and Jennifer S. from Ambiance Galore for donating goodies we could share with our new friend!

We are so thankful to our Gateway Pet Guardians family for coming together to not only help pets, but the people that love them. Thanks to your support, we can keep pets in their homes and out of area shelters. To learn more about our community work, visit our Community Programs page.